Upstream Communications Alliance '12 months free paper' promotion Terms and Conditions


Not all Businesses are eligible to participate in this promotion. In order to be eligible, a Business must:

  • Have a minimum monthly printing volume of 1500 black & white and 500 colour pagers per month
  • Not be a commercial print business, government department or statutory corporation, current customer of Upstream Print Solutions or competitor (as determined by Upstream Print Solutions) of Upstream Print Solutions; and qualify for finance pre-approval with Upstream Print Solutions' preferred financier
  • Upstream Print Solutions will only engage with authorised company representatives
  • Businesses are eligible to participate only once in the first 12 months free paper promotion
  • This Upstream first 12 months free paper promotion can be withdrawn at Upstream Print Solutions' absolute discretion. To qualify, Businesses must enter into an Upstream Print Solutions Plan (that includes the provision of paper for the term of the agreement) during the course of the Upstream End of financial year first 12 months free paper promotion
  • Paper is currently costed into Upstream Print Solutions Plans at the rate of 1 cent per page (A4 and A3)
  • The first 12 months free will be applied as an upfront credit to the customer’s account, equal to the paper cost portion of the cost per page, for the 12 months agreed volume at the time of entering into the Upstream Print Solutions Plan. For example:

                            Customer paper cost per page = 1c
                            Agreed monthly volume = 10,000 pages per month
                            Total cost for paper to customer per month = $100
                            Total cost for paper to customer for first 12 months = $1,200
                            Credit to be applied to customer account = $1,200

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